The test and demonstration gateway supports both an SMPP and an HTTP API. To gain access to the test and demonstration gateway you will need a trial version of either the SMS Server or the SMS Component. Both products will automatically generate connection credentials upon installation.
By default the generated credentials grant 10 free SMS messages to anywhere in the world. You can contact us if you need more. However, the test and demonstration gateway is not intended for production use.
This gateway should only be used to send to your personal phone or application. Don’t use the test and demonstration gateway to send out mass mailings.
SMPP connections
The test and demonstration gateway supports both secure and unsecured SMPP connections. The following settings will connect to the SMPP gateway.
Property | Value |
Hostname | |
Secure port (TLS enabled) | 2776 |
Unsecured port | 2775 |
System ID | <Generated> |
Password | <Generated> |
System type | SMPP |
Version | 3.4 |
SMSC default character set | 8bit GSM |
Enquire timeout | 30 seconds |
Address range | S<Your phonenr> |
HTTP Connections
Use the HTTP gateway for sending SMS messages using HTTP POST requests. The following settings will send trough the SMPP gateway.
Property | Value |
URL | |
Post body | username=<generated>&password=<generated>&text=%BODY%&to=%TOADDRESS%&from=%FROMADDRESS% |
Content type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Response text/td> | id: <message id> |