Skip to properties and methods
The Smtp object implements the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). The SMTP protocol is the de facto standard protocol for sending email through on the internet.
This object can be used to connect to a remote SMTP server and send out one or more email messages.
Send email through SMTP
Send an email through the SMTP protocol
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp") ' Create the SMTP Protocol object
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message") ' Create the email message object
Wscript.Echo "Auron Email Component Version" & objSmtp.Version & "; Build" & _
objSmtp.Build & "; Module" & objSmtp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status:" & objSmtp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf
objSmtp.LogFile = "log.txt" ' Keep a session log
' Open a connection to the SMTP server
objSmtp.Connect"", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
' Compose an email message
objMail.FromAddress = ""
objMail.FromName = "My Name"
objMail.Subject = "Hi !"
objMail.BodyPlainText = "Hello, How are you doing ?"
objMail.BodyHtml = "<html><body><h2>Hello</h2><p>How are you doing ?</p></body></html>"
objMail.AddTo "", "Someone"
' Send the email
objSmtp.Send objMail
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
' Disconnect from the server
WScript.Echo "Done !"
How to run this example
Properties and Methods
Property | Type | Read/Write | Description |
Version | String | Read | Version number of the Auron Email Component |
Build | String | Read | Build number of the Auron Email Component |
Module | String | Read | Module name of the Auron Email Component |
LicenseStatus | String | Read | License Status |
LicenseKey | String | Read/Write | License Key |
LastError | Number | Read | Result of the last called method |
LogFile | String | Read/Write | The path to a logfile which can be used for troubleshooting |
HostPort | Number | Read/Write | The host port of the SMTP server to connect to |
Authentication | Number | Read/Write | The SMTP authentication method |
BearerToken | String | Read/Write | OAuth2 bearer token |
UseStartTls | Boolean | Read/Write | Use a secure connection if possible |
LastSmtpResponse | String | Read | Last SMTP response from the server |
TimeoutConnect | Number | Read/Write | Timeout (msecs) for a connection to be established |
TimeoutAuthentication | Number | Read/Write | Timeout (msecs) to authenticate |
TimeoutCommand | Number | Read/Write | Timeout (msecs) for each SMTP command to complete |
TimeoutData | Number | Read/Write | Timeout (msecs) for the SMTP DATA command to complete |
Method | Description |
Clear | Reset all properties to their default values |
SaveLicenseKey | Save the License Key in the registry |
GetErrorDescription | Get the description of the given error |
Sleep | Sleep for the specified number of milliseconds |
SetSecure | Enables TLS/SSL and sets the correct port number |
Connect | Connect to the SMTP server |
Disconnect | Disconnect from the SMTP server |
Send | Send an email message |
Version property
Return the version number of the Auron Email Component
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Wscript.Echo "Auron Email Component Version" & objSmtp.Version & "; Build" & _
objSmtp.Build & "; Module" & objSmtp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status:" & objSmtp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf
Build property
Return the build number of the Auron Email Component.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Wscript.Echo "Auron Email Component Version" & objSmtp.Version & "; Build" & _
objSmtp.Build & "; Module" & objSmtp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status:" & objSmtp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf
Module property
Return the module name of the Auron Email Component.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Wscript.Echo "Auron Email Component Version" & objSmtp.Version & "; Build" & _
objSmtp.Build & "; Module" & objSmtp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status:" & objSmtp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf
LicenseStatus property
The status of your license. In case you have not licensed the product, the property holds the trial expiration date.
For details, see Product Activation.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp") ' Create new instance
WScript.Echo "License Status:" & objSmtp.LicenseStatus
WScript.Echo "License Key:" & objSmtp.LicenseKey
LicenseKey property
A license key is required to unlock this component after the trial period has expired. Assign the LicenseKey property every time a new instance of this component is created (see code below). Alternatively, the LicenseKey property can be set automatically. This requires the license key to be stored in the registry. For details, see Product Activation.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp") ' Create new instance
objSmtp.LicenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" ' Assign your license key
WScript.Echo "LicenseKey:" & objSmtp.LicenseKey
LastError property
Completion code of the last called function. To find the error description of a given error code, go to the online error codes page.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
' Compose an email message
objMail.Subject = "Hi !"
objMail.BodyPlainText = "Hello, How are you doing ?"
objMail.BodyHtml = "<html><body><h2>Hello</h2><p>How are you doing ?</p></body></html>"
objMail.AddTo "", "Someone"
' Send the email
objSmtp.Send objMail
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
LogFile property
By default, LogFile holds an empty string and nothing is logged. If a valid file name is assigned to it, the Auron Email Component will write debug information to this file. Output data is written at the end of the file, the file is not cleared.
By default the log file uses the UTF16LE character encoding. To use UTF8 please prefix the log file name with the text: ‘UTF8:’ (e.g.: ‘UTF8:logfile.txt’).
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
objSmtp.LogFile = "C:\temp\log.txt"
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
HostPort property
This is the host port of the SMTP server to connect to. Set this property if the port is different from the standard SMTP port (25).
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.HostPort = 8025
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
Authentication property
This is the authentication method that should be used. By default the preferred authentication method will be automatically detected.
Use one of these constants.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objConst = CreateObject("AxEmail.Constants")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.Authentication = objConst.SMTP_AUTH_MD5CRAM
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
BearerToken property
Set the bearer token to use OAuth2 authentication. If the bearer token is set then the user password can be left blank.
Obtain the bearer token by using the OAuth2 object.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objConst = CreateObject("AxEmail.Constants")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.Authentication = objConst.SMTP_AUTH_OAUTH2
objPop3.BearerToken = "12345678901234567890"
objSmtp.Connect "", ""
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
UseStartTls property
Use a secure connection if supported by the SMTP server.
If the property is set to True, Connect will start a secure connection if the SMTP server supports it.
If the property is set to False, Connect will NOT start a secure connection, even in case the SMTP does support it.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objConst = CreateObject("AxEmail.Constants")
Set objSmtp.UseStartTls = False
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
LastSmtpResponse property
The last SMTP response from the server
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objConst = CreateObject("AxEmail.Constants")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
WScript.Echo "Server response:" & objSmtp.LastSmtpResponse
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
TimeoutConnect property
Timeout (in milliseconds) for a connection to be established.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
objSmtp.TimeoutConnect = 10000
objSmtp.Connect ""," ",""
WScript.Echo "Server response: " & objSmtp.LastSmtpResponse
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
TimeoutAuthentication property
Timeout (in milliseconds) to authenticate to the SMTP mail server.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
objSmtp.TimeoutAuthentication = 10000
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
WScript.Echo "Server response:" & objSmtp.LastSmtpResponse
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
TimeoutCommand property
Timeout (in milliseconds) for each SMTP command to complete. This applies to all SMTP commands (e.g.: AUTH, RCPT TO, QUIT) except the DATA command.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
objSmtp.TimeoutCommand = 5000
objSmtp.Send( objMail )
TimeoutData property
Timeout (msecs) for the SMTP DATA command to complete.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
objSmtp.TimeoutData = 120000
objSmtp.Send( objMail )
Clear method
This function resets all properties to their default values.
- None
Return value:
Always 0.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
SaveLicenseKey method
Use SaveLicenseKey to store the license key permanently in the registry. When a license key is saved, it is restored automatically every time a new instance of the object is created. It is not recommended to save the license key if you distribute the component with your own software, because the key can be easily used by others.
- None.
Return value:
Always 0. Check LastError property to see if the method was completed successfully.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp") ' Create new instance
objSmtp.LicenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
objSmtp.SaveLicenseKey ' Save license key to registry
For more information, see Product Activation.
GetErrorDescription method
GetErrorDescription provides the error description of a given error code.
- The error code
Return value:
The error string.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
WScript.Echo "result:" & objSmtp.LastError & "," & _
Sleep method
This function suspends the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds.
- Milliseconds to sleep
Return value:
Always 0.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
objSmtp.Sleep 1000
SetSecure method
This function makes sure TLS/SSL is enabled and the port number to connect on is set correctly.
- (Optional) Port number, default: 465
Return value:
Always 0.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
Connect method
This function connects to the specified SMTP server
- Hostname
- Account name
- Password
Return value:
Always 0.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
Disconnect method
This function disconnects from the SMTP server
- None
Return value:
Always 0.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objSmtp.Connect "", "", "password"
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If
Send method
This functions sends the specified email.
- EMail object
Return value:
Always 0.
Set objSmtp = CreateObject("AxEmail.Smtp")
Set objMail = CreateObject("AxEmail.Message")
objMail.BodyPlainText = "Hello, How are you doing ?"
objMail.BodyHtml = "<html><body><h2>Hello</h2><p>How are you doing ?</p></body></html>"
objMail.AddTo "", "Someone"
objSmtp.Send objMail
If objSmtp.LastError <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error:" & objSmtp.GetErrorDescription(objSmtp.LastError)
End If