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SMTP Server error: ‘MMC Has detected an error in a snap-in’

After setting up the SMTP Server feature in Windows Server you may run into the following error: “MMC Has detected an error in a snap-in. It is recommended that you shut down and restart MMC.”

This error occurs when you’re trying to edit the properties of the SMTP server from the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 management console.

MMC has detected an error in a snap-in.

MMC has detected an error in a snap-in.

Solve this error by following these steps:

  1. Stop SMTPSVC service; Display Name: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  2. Stop IISADMIN service; Display name: IIS Admin Service
  3. Edit “C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml”
  4. Find: <IIsSmtpServer Location =”/LM/SmtpSvc/1″
  5. Add (Settings are alphabetical): RelayIpList=””
  6. Save file
  7. Start IISAdmin Service
  8. Start SMTPSVC service