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A lot of bulk SMS providers or SMSC’s will provide a custom, HTTP based, interface to their customers to send out SMS messages.

Providers usually employ HTTP based custom interface because of their simplicity relative to more complex protocols like SMPP. Performance wise it’s roughly comparable to SMPP in medium to large volumes.

The drawback in using HTTP is that HTTP will only allow sending SMS messages. If the user needs to receive SMS messages or if the user needs to receive delivery reports the user will have to set up an HTTP server as well to receive HTTP requests from SMSC.

The Smpp object in the SMS Component is set up to support most HTTP providers. For simple provider configurations the user can set up Url and PostBody templates and use the SendSms method to send out SMS messages. For more complex configurations the Http object provides Post and Get methods to create your own URL / post body layout independent of the existing SMS message object.

Properties and Methods

Property Type Read/Write Description
Version String Read Version number of the SMS Component
Build String Read Build number of the SMS Component
Module String Read Module name of the SMS Component
LicenseStatus String Read License Status
LicenseKey String Read/Write License Key
LastError Number Read Result of the last called method
LogFile String Read/Write The path to a logfile which can be used for troubleshooting
WebAccount String Read/Write Web login account if required
WebPassword String Read/Write Web password if required
ProxyServer String Read/Write ProxyServer URL if required
ProxyAccount String Read/Write Proxy login account if required
ProxyPassword String Read/Write Proxy password if required
LastResponseCode Number Read Last response code returned by the server
RequestTimeout Number Read/Write Request timeout in milliseconds
Url String Read/Write Default URL, including placeholders, when sending text messages
PostBody String Read/Write Default Post body, including placeholders, when sending text messages

Method Description
Clear Reset all properties to their default values
SaveLicenseKey Save the License Key in the registry
GetErrorDescription Get the description of the given error
Sleep Sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
SetHeader Set HTTP header to be sent
Get Get a web page
Post Post a post body to a web server
Download Download a file from a web server
SendSms Send a text message through this HTTP connection
UrlEncode URL encode the given string
HexEncode Hex encode the given string
Base64Encode Base64 encode the given string
Base64EncodeFile Base64 encode the given file

Version property

Return the version number of the SMS Component


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
WScript.Echo "SMS Component Version " & objHttp.Version & "; Build " & _
  objHttp.Build & "; Module " & objHttp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status: " & objHttp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf

Build property

Return the build number of the SMS Component.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
WScript.Echo "SMS Component Version " & objHttp.Version & "; Build " & _
  objHttp.Build & "; Module " & objHttp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status: " & objHttp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf

Module property

Return the module name of the SMS Component.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
WScript.Echo "SMS Component Version " & objHttp.Version & "; Build " & _
  objHttp.Build & "; Module " & objHttp.Module
WScript.Echo "License Status: " & objHttp.LicenseStatus & vbCrLf

LicenseStatus property

The status of your license. In case you have not licensed the product, the property holds the trial expiration date. For details, see Product Activation.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")                 ' Create new instance
WScript.Echo "License Status: " & objHttp.LicenseStatus
WScript.Echo "License Key: " & objHttp.LicenseKey

LicenseKey property

A license key is required to unlock this component after the trial period has expired. Assign the LicenseKey property every time a new instance of this component is created (see code below). Alternatively, the LicenseKey property can be set automatically. This requires the license key to be stored in the registry. For details, see Product Activation.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")                 ' Create new instance
objHttp.LicenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"                ' Assign your license key 
WScript.Echo "LicenseKey: " & objHttp.LicenseKey

LastError property

Completion code of the last called method. To find the error description of a given error code, go to the online error codes codes page.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")  
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objMessage.ToAddress = "+31611223344"
objMessage.Body = "Short text message"
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
WScript.Echo "Send SMS result: " &  objHttp.LastError    ' Is our message sent ?  

LogFile property

By default, LogFile holds an empty string and nothing is logged. If a valid file name is assigned to it, the SMS Component will write debug information to this file. Output data is written at the end of the file, the file is not cleared.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
objHttp.LogFile = "C:\temp\log.txt"
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objMessage.ToAddress = "+31611223344"
objMessage.Body = "Short text message"  
objHttp.SendSms objMessage

WebAccount property

Set the web login account if this is required.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.WebAccount = "Account"
objHttp.WebPassword = "Password"
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WebPassword property

Set the web login password if this is required.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.WebAccount = "Account"
objHttp.WebPassword = "Password"
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

ProxyServer property

Set the proxy server if this is required.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.ProxyServer = ""
objHttp.ProxyAccount = "Account"
objHttp.ProxyPassword = "Password"
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

ProxyAccount property

Set the proxy server login if this is required.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.ProxyServer = ""
objHttp.ProxyAccount = "Account"
objHttp.ProxyPassword = "Password"
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

ProxyPassword property

Set the proxy server password if this is required.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.ProxyServer = ""
objHttp.ProxyAccount = "Account"
objHttp.ProxyPassword = "Password"
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

LastResponseCode property

This property is set to the last response code received from the server.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If
WScript.Echo objSmpp.LastResponseCode

RequestTimeout property

This is the request timeout in milliseconds.

Default request timeout is 10000 milliseconds.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.RequestTimeout = 50000
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

Url property

This is the default URL that is being used when sending text messages trough Send Sms.

Use these placeholders to insert dynamic fields into the URL.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.Url = ""
objHttp.PostBody = "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & _
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

PostBody property

This is the default Post body that is being used when sending text messages trough Send Sms.

Use these placeholders to insert dynamic fields into the Post body.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.Url = ""
objHttp.PostBody = "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & _
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

Clear method

This method resets all properties to their default values.


  • None

Return value:

Always 0.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")

SaveLicenseKey method


Use SaveLicenseKey to store the license key permanently in the registry. When a license key is saved, it is restored automatically every time a new instance of the object (‘Http’) is created. It is not recommended to save the license key if you distribute the component with your own software, because the key can be easily used by others.


  • None.

Return value:

Always 0. Check LastError property to see if the method was completed successfully.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")               ' Create new instance
objHttp.LicenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
objHttp.SaveLicenseKey                                    ' Save license key to registry

For more information, see Product Activation.

GetErrorDescription method

GetErrorDescription provides the error description of a given error code.


  • The error code

Return value:

The error string.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
objHttp.LogFile = "C:\temp\log.txt"
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objMessage.ToAddress = "+31611223344"
objMessage.Body = "Short text message"  
objHttp.SendSms objMessage
WScript.Echo "SendSms result: " & objHttp.LastError & ", " & _

Sleep method

This method suspends the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds.


  • Milliseconds to sleep

Return value:

Always 0.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
objHttp.Sleep 1000

SetHeader method

Set a custom HTTP header which will be include in future requests or posts made to a web server. The header value will clear any header value of the same name that was previously set. To clear all header values call the Clear method.


  • Header – Name of the header
  • Value – Header value

Return value:



Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")            
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
strResponse = objHttp.Post("", _
  "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.Body) & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.ToAddress))
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse

Get method

Get the contents of a web page from a web server and return it as a string value. This method defaults to non secure connections using the default HTTP port 80.
The use of SSL or a different port can be specified as usual, e.g. https://cruisecontrol.intra:8080/dashboard connects securely on port 8080.


  • URL

Return value:

The requested website as a string value.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
strResponse = objHttp.Get("" & _
  "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.Body) & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.ToAddress)
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse

Post method

Post a string to a website and returns the result as a string value. This method defaults to non secure connections using the default HTTP port 80. The use of SSL or a different port can be specified as usual, e.g. https://cruisecontrol.intra:8080/dashboard connects securely on port 8080.


  • Url
  • Post body

Return value:

The requested website as a string value.


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
strResponse = objHttp.Post("", _
  "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.Body) & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.ToAddress))
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse

Download method

Download a text or binary file from a web server. Use this method to download image or other media files.


  • Url
  • Target path

Return value:



Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
objHttp.Download("https://whatsapp.someprovider:8080/media/3hudu32o3ikdj44u.mp4", _
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

SendSms method

This method sends an SMS through HTTP by replace the placeholders in the Url and PostBody parameters. If the PostBody parameter is not set it will use a ‘GET’ request type, otherwise a ‘POST’ request type will be used.


Return value:

The server response


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")   
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
objHttp.Url = ""
objHttp.PostBody = "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & _
WScript.Echo objHttp.SendSms(objMessage)
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

UrlEncode method

Use this method to ‘URL encode’ parameters before adding them to the URL or Post body.


  • The string to encode

Return value:

The encoded string


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
strResponse = objHttp.Get("" & _
  "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.Body) & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.ToAddress)
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse

HexEncode method

Use this method to ‘Hex’ encode strings before adding them as a GET argument or POST body.


  • The string to encode

Return value:

The encoded string


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
strResponse = objHttp.Get("" & _
  "username=CE658B84&password=FAC1982E&text=" & objHttp.HexEncode(objMessage.Body) & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.HexEncode(objMessage.ToAddress)
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse

Base64Encode method

Use this method to Base64 encode a string.


  • String to encode

Return value:

The encoded string


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
strResponse = objHttp.Get("" & _
  "username=Name&password=Password&text=" & objHttp.Base64Encode(objMessage.Body) & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.ToAddress)
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse

Base64EncodeFile method

Use this method to Base64 encode a file


  • The filename of the file to encode

Return value:

The encoded string


Set objHttp = CreateObject("AxSms.Http")
Set objMessage = CreateObject("AxSms.Message")
strResponse = objHttp.Get("" & _
  "username=Name&password=Password&image=" & objHttp.Base64EncodeFile("logo.png") & _
  "&to=" & objHttp.UrlEncode(objMessage.ToAddress)
If objHttp.LastError <> 0 Then
  WScript.Echo "Error: " & objHttp.GetErrorDescription(objHttp.LastError)
  WScript.Quit 1
End If

WScript.Echo strResponse