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This is a Tlv (Tag, Length, Value). TLV’s are only applicable in the SMPP protocol. TLV’s are optional values that may be attached to an SMS message.

There are a number of possible TLV’s specified in the SMPP protocol. Their TAG values have constants defined here. Other TLV values may be defined by operators.

Properties and Methods

Property Type Read/Write Description
Tag Number Read/Write The ‘Tag’ value identifies the TLV
Length Number Read The length in bytes of the TLV ‘Value’ field.
ValueAsString String Read/Write The value represented as a string
ValueAsHexString String Read/Write The value represented as a hexadecimal string
ValueAsInt32 Number Read/Write The value represented as a 32 bit integer
ValueAsInt16 Number Read/Write The value represented as a 16 bit integer
ValueAsInt8 String Read/Write The value represented as an 8 bit integer

Method Description
Clear Reset all properties to their default values

Tag property

The ‘Tag’ value identifies the TLV. TLV’s are additional, often optional information that can be attached to any of the packets that are specified in the SMPP 3.4 or 5.0 protocol. Here’s a list of TLV’s that have been proposed in SMPP 3.4. You provider may use other, specific TLV’s, find these in the providers documentation.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsString = "Hello, World !"
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length

Length property

This is the length in bytes of the TLV ‘Value’ field. This property is read-only since it’s always inferred from the value field.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsString = "Hello, World !"
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length

ValueAsString property

Use this property to set or read a TLV Value that is specified as a ‘C-Octet’ string.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsString = "Hello, World !"
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length

ValueAsHexString property

Use this property to set or read a TLV Value that is specified as ‘Octet Data’ or ‘Octet String’.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsString = "Hello, World !"
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length
WScript.Echo objTlv.ValueAsHexString

ValueAsInt32 property

Use this property to set or read a TLV Value that is specified as a ‘4 Octet’ value.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsInt32 = 1
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length
WScript.Echo objTlv.ValueAsHexString

ValueAsInt16 property

Use this property to set or read a TLV Value that is specified as a ‘2 Octet’ value.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsInt16 = 1
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length
WScript.Echo objTlv.ValueAsHexString

ValueAsInt8 property

Use this property to set or read a TLV Value that is specified as an ‘Octet’ value.


Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")   
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsInt8 = 1
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length
WScript.Echo objTlv.ValueAsHexString

Clear method

This method resets all properties to their default values.


  • None

Return value:



Set objTlv = CreateObject("AxSms.Tlv")
objTlv.Tag = 100
objTlv.ValueAsInt8 = 1
WScript.Echo objTlv.Length
WScript.Echo objTlv.ValueAsHexString