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In C#, VB.Net, C++ and other compiled languages the namespace for most classes is AXMMCFGLib instead of AxMmServer. For interpreted languages like VBScript, JavaScript or Powershell it is AxMmServer.

This is an e-mail message. This message is received by POP3 and IMAP channels and sent by SMTP channels.

This message inherits all the properties of the Message object as well.

Property Type Read/Write Description
ImapUID Number Read/Write IMAP Unique ID
Pop3ID Number Read/Write POP3 Mailbox ID
Organization String Read/Write Name of the organization
ReadReceiptAddress String Read/Write Address to send a read receipt to
FromName String Read/Write From name
ReplyAddress String Read/Write Reply address
Subject String Read/Write E-mail subject
ToAddress String Read/Write To address or primary recipient
FromAddress String Read/Write From address or originator of this e-mail
CcAddress String Read/Write Carbon Copy. Addresses that should receive a copy
BccAddress String Read/Write Blind Carbon Copy. Addresses that should receive a blind copy
BodyPlainText String Read/Write Plain text body
BodyHtml String Read/Write HTML formatted body
Header String Read/Write E-mail headers
EmailPriority Number Read/Write E-mail priority

ImapUID property

Unique ID that an IMAP server assigned to this message.

Pop3ID property

POP3 mailbox ID

Organization property

Name of the organization that sends this message.

ReadReceiptAddress property

Address to send a read receipt to. If this is filled with an e-mail address the e-mail client is asked to send a read receipt upon opening this email.

FromName property

Full name of the sender of this e-mail address.

ReplyAddress property

E-mail address that a reply e-mail should be sent to if it should be sent to a different address than the originator of the e-mail.

Subject property

Subject of the e-mail

ToAddress property

To address or primary recipient of this e-mail

FromAddress property

From address or originator of this e-mail.

CcAddress property

E-mail addresses that should receive a copy of this e-mail address.

BccAddress property

Addresses that should receive a blind carbon copy of this e-mail.

BodyPlainText property

This is the plain text version of the e-mail. This should be unformatted.

BodyHtml property

HTML formatted version of the e-mail.

Header property

E-mail headers.

EmailPriority property

The priority of the e-mail. This is a number between 1 and 5 where 1 is highest priority and 5 is lowest.