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In C#, VB.Net, C++ and other compiled languages the namespace for most classes is AXMMCFGLib instead of AxMmServer. For interpreted languages like VBScript, JavaScript or Powershell it is AxMmServer.

Tlv’s (Tag, Length, Value) are optional data which can be send or received with an SMS Message when using the SMPP channel.

While there are a number of Tlv’s suggested in the SMPP specification they are mainly meant to support future or provider specific requirements.

To find out how to use a Tlv or what type of information is contained in the value part the Tag should be looked up in either the SMPP specification
or you provider specific documentation.

Property Type Read/Write Description
Length Number The length of the Value part
Tag Number The tag value for this Tlv
ValueAsString Number A string representation of this Tlv value
ValueAsHexString Number A binary representation of this Tlv value
ValueAsInt32 Number An 32 bit unsigned integer representation of this Tlv value
ValueAsInt16 Number An 16 bit unsigned integer representation of this Tlv value
ValueAsInt8 Number An 8 bit unsigned integer representation of this Tlv value

Method Description
Clear Clears the Tlv tag, length and value

Length property

The length of the Value part. This property is readonly.

Tag property

The tag value for this Tlv. This is the identifying part of a Tlv

ValueAsString property

A string representation of this Tlv value. Before printing this on a console, make sure it supposed to be a string value by checking the tag
value against your providers Tlv information.

ValueAsHexString property

A binary representation of this Tlv value. The binary is formatted as an hexadecimal string. E.g a Tlv value of the string ‘John’ will become:

ValueAsInt32 property

An 32 bit unsigned integer representation of this Tlv value

ValueAsInt16 property

An 16 bit unsigned integer representation of this Tlv value

ValueAsInt8 property

An 8 bit unsigned integer representation of this Tlv value

Clear method

Clears the Tlv tag, length and value