InsertSMS (view)
The InsertSMS view is used to quickly and easily schedule new SMS messages for sending.
For example:
INSERT INTO InsertSms (StatusID, ToAddress, Body)
VALUES (N'SCHEDULED', N'+3112345678', N'Hello, World')
This will send out an SMS message to +3112345678 to the first outgoing SMS channel available.
Find out more on how to use these ‘Insert’ tables here.
The table below is an overview of all properties that are available to set or to select:
Field | Type | Description |
ID | int | Message ID |
DirectionID | nvarchar(32) | Message Direction |
TypeID | nvarchar(32) | SMS, EMAIL, FILE or SMPPSERVERBIND |
StatusID | nvarchar(32) | Message Status |
StatusDetailsID | int | User field |
TriggerStatusID | nvarchar(32) | Trigger Status |
TriggerDetailsID | int | User field |
AckStatusID | nvarchar(32) | Acknowledge Status |
ChannelID | nvarchar(32) | Channel ID of the channel that sent/received the message |
BillingID | nvarchar(255) | Billing ID used for accounting |
ScheduledTime | datetime2 | When to send the message |
SentTime | datetime2 | When the message was sent |
ReceivedTime | datetime2 | When the message was received |
LastUpdate | datetime2 | When the message record was last updated |
Priority | int | The message priority |
BatchID | int | User field |
ConversationID | int | User field |
Hash | nvarchar(100) | The hash of the message; used by some channels |
Creator | nvarchar(32) | The creator of the message |
Archive | bit | System field |
CustomField1 | int | User field |
CustomField2 | nvarchar(255) | User field |
Trace | nvarchar(max) | A trace of the current message |
ToAddress | nvarchar(32) | To address or SMS recipient |
ToAddressTon | int | To address TON (Type of Number) |
ToAddressNpi | int | To address NPI (Number Plan Indicator) |
FromAddress | nvarchar(32) | From address or SMS originator |
FromAddressTon | int | From address TON (Type of Number) |
FromAddressNpi | int | From address NPI (Number Plan Indicator) |
RequestDeliveryReport | bit | Whether to request a delivery report |
IsDeliveryReport | bit | Whether this SMS is a delivery report |
DeliveryStatus | nvarchar(32) | Delivery status of an SMS |
ValidityPeriod | int | Validity period in minutes |
DataCoding | int | The encoding of the message |
LanguageLockingShift | int | Locking shift table to use |
LanguageSingleShift | int | Single shift able to use |
BodyFormat | int | The format of the SMS body |
HasUdh | bit | True if this SMS has a User Data Header (UDH) |
TotalParts | int | Total number of parts of this SMS |
PartNumber | int | Part number of this SMS |
MultipartReference | int | Multipart Reference |
GsmSmscAddress | nvarchar(32) | GSM SMSC address |
GsmSmscAddressTon | int | GSM TON of SMSC address |
GsmSmscAddressNpi | int | GSM NPI of SMSC address |
SmppPriority | int | SMPP Priority |
SmppStatusCode | int | SMPP status code |
SmppServiceType | nvarchar(32) | SMPP Service type |
SmppClient | nvarchar(64) | SMPP Client ID |
SmppSequenceNumber | int | Sequence number of the SMS message |
SmppTlvs | nvarchar(max) | SMPP TLV values |
Body | nvarchar(max) | The body of the SMS message |
Reference | nvarchar(max) | The provider specific message reference |