Hot Radio SMS trivia quiz – A case study
In this case study we’ll use the SMS Server to setup a small SMS Trivia example project.
The trivia project was originally setup for the Hot Radio radio station to engage with listeners. If a listener could answer three questions successfully they receive a free coupon.
However, the concept of a short trivia quiz can be useful in a lot more situations. And not just to entertain. We’ve since applied it to:
- Created engagement in radio shows.
- Study the knowledge on a specific subject in certain focus groups with regard to disease prevention.
- Automatically checking in on elderly patients to make sure they take their medications properly.
- Help citizens get in contact with emergency responders during a natural disaster.
- Etc…
All of these situations call for a dialogue with the mobile user. The difference between these situations is that sometimes the mobile users initiates and sometimes system will automatically initiate the dialog.
Use case
In this case we’ll just look at a straight forward trivia example. Which can serve as a template for the use-cases above.
The Hot Radio DJ’s let their listener know that they can send the text ‘Triva’ to start a game of trivia. Winners of this game will receive a coupon and may be called back live on-air.
- The Auron SMS Server.
- A SQL Server (express) installation or the built-in LocalDB database.
- A GSM modem, SMPP subscription or the built-in demonstration gateway.
If you don’t currently have any means of sending SMS messages you can just test this using the built-in SMPP client settings.
The use case starts with the installation of the SMS Server. Have a look in the knowledge base to find out the system requirements and the installation instructions.
You can use the built-in LocalDB database to get started right-away. But it makes sense to install to a SQL Server Express database before going live. In any case. Make sure to install the free SQL Server management studio for easy access to your database.
Right after installation make sure to configure an SMS channel. This SMS channel will be used to send and receive SMS messages.
The Hot Radio database is a simple .mdb file (Microsoft Access) file. This is because ideally even non-technical persons should be able to create a new quiz or just edit / replace questions in the quiz.
Another advantage of this approach is that any changes to the Trivia database are immediately live.
Two example databases are:
Trivia SMS Trigger
In this case the Trivia SMS trigger is a VBScript trigger. Find more information on how to setup an empty VBScript trigger here.
The triggers should match any SMS with the StatusID Received.
After creating the trigger edit the script and change it to the following:
CONST STR_DEBUGFILE = "C:\ProgramData\Auron\SMS Server\Log\TRIVIA.txt"
CONST STR_TRIVIADBFILE = "C:\ProgramData\Auron\SMS Server\Triggers\SMSTrivia\database\Trivia.mdb"
' // ========================================================================
' // Function: ProcessMessageEx
' // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
' // ProcessMessageEx trigger function to process incoming messages
' // ========================================================================
Function ProcessMessageEx(objMessageIn, objMessageDB, dctContext)
Log ">> ProcessMessageEx"
bIsNewUser = False
bNoMoreQuestions = False
strReply = ""
strNextQuestion = ""
strScore = ""
strError = ""
nUserID = 0
nResult = GetUserID(objMessageIn.FromAddress, nUserID, bIsNewUser, strError)
If (nResult = 0 And bIsNewUser) Then
strReply = "Welcome to the Music Trivia SMS Game! "
End If
If (nResult = 0 And Not bIsNewUser) Then
nResult = ProcessAnswer(nUserID, objMessageIn.Body, strReply, strError)
End If
If (nResult = 0) Then
nResult = GetNextQuestion(nUserID, strNextQuestion, bNoMoreQuestions, strError)
If (nResult = 0) Then
strReply = strReply & strNextQuestion
End If
End If
If (nResult <> 0) Then
ReplyMessage objMessageDB, objMessageIn, strError
ElseIf (bIsNewUser) Then
ReplyMessage objMessageDB, objMessageIn, strReply
ElseIf (bNoMoreQuestions) Then
If (GetScore(nUserID, strScore, strError) = 0) Then
strReply = strReply & strScore
ReplyMessage objMessageDB, objMessageIn, strReply
ReplyMessage objMessageDB, objMessageIn, "Like SMS trivia games? " & _
"Try the new Movies Quiz, it's fun! SMS 'Movies' to 1234 to join."
ReplyMessage objMessageDB, objMessageIn, strError
End If
ReplyMessage objMessageDB, objMessageIn, strReply
End If
Log "<< ProcessMessageEx"
End Function
' // ========================================================================
Function GetUserID(strMobileNumber, BYREF nUserID, BYREF bIsNewUser, BYREF strError)
Log ">> GetUserID"
nQ1 = 0: nQ2 = 0: nQ3 = 0
nUserID = 0
bIsNewUser = False
strError = ""
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & STR_TRIVIADBFILE & ";"
strQuery = "SELECT ID FROM TriviaUsers WHERE strMobileNumber='" & strMobileNumber & _
"' AND ( nA1 = 0 OR nA2 = 0 OR nA3 = 0 ) ORDER BY ID Desc"
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute( strQuery )
If RS.EOF Then
' Try to find out the last question of the previous question
strQuery = "SELECT nQ3 FROM TriviaUsers WHERE strMobileNumber='" & strMobileNumber & "' ORDER BY ID Desc"
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute( strQuery )
If (Not RS.EOF) Then
nQ1 = CInt(RS("nQ3")) + 1
nQ1 = 1
End If
nQ2 = nQ1 + 1
nQ2 = 1
End If
nQ3 = nQ2 + 1
nQ3 = 1
End If
nQ1 = 1
nQ2 = 2
nQ3 = 3
End If
strInsert = "INSERT INTO TriviaUsers(strMobileNumber, nQ1, nQ2, nQ3) VALUES ('" & _
strMobileNumber & "', " & nQ1 & ", " & nQ2 & ", " & nQ3 & " )"
Log "Execute: [" & strInsert & "]..."
bIsNewUser = True
strQuery = "SELECT ID FROM TriviaUsers WHERE strMobileNumber='" & strMobileNumber & _
"' ORDER BY ID Desc"
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute( strQuery )
End If
If RS.EOF Then
GetUserID = -1
strError = "Failed to signup user as a Trivia user."
nUserID = RS("ID")
GetUserID = 0
End If
Set objConn = Nothing
Log "<< GetUserID, result: " & GetUserID
End Function
' // ========================================================================
Function GetScore(nUserID, BYREF strScore, BYREF strError)
Dim arrQuestions(99)
Dim arrAnswers(99)
Log ">> GetScore( " & nUserID & ")"
strScore = ""
strError = ""
nAnswerID = 0
strFormalAnswerString = ""
nPositive = 0
nTotal = 3
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & STR_TRIVIADBFILE & ";"
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TriviaUsers WHERE ID=" & nUserID & " ORDER BY ID Desc"
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]"
Set RS = objConn.Execute( strQuery )
If RS.EOF Then
GetScore = -1
strError = "Failed to retrieve user."
arrQuestions(0) = CInt(RS("nQ1"))
arrQuestions(1) = CInt(RS("nQ2"))
arrQuestions(2) = CInt(RS("nQ3"))
arrAnswers(0) = CInt(RS("nA1"))
arrAnswers(1) = CInt(RS("nA2"))
arrAnswers(2) = CInt(RS("nA3"))
For iQuestion = 0 To 2
If (arrQuestions(iQuestion) <= 0 Or arrAnswers(iQuestion) <= 0) Then
GetScore = -1
strError = "Error: One or more questions are not answered."
Exit For
End If
If (GetAnswer(objConn, arrQuestions(iQuestion), nAnswerID, strFormalAnswerString) <> 0) Then
GetScore = -1
strError = "Error: Failed to find answer for question " & arrQuestions(i)
Exit For
End If
If (arrAnswers(iQuestion) = nAnswerID) Then
Log("YES, Answer on Question " & arrQuestions(iQuestion) & " = " & nAnswerID & _
" (" & strFormalAnswerString & ")")
nPositive = nPositive + 1
Log("NO, Answer on Question " & arrQuestions(iQuestion) & " <> " & nAnswerID & " (" & strFormalAnswerString & ")")
End If
End If
Set objConn = Nothing
If (GetScore = 0) Then
strScore = "Trivia completed. Score " & nPositive & " out of 3."
If (nPositive = 3) Then
strScore = strScore & " Well done, you are an expert! You will receive a coupon for a free hamburger at McDonald's. Enjoy!"
strScore = strScore & " Thanks for joining! You will receive a coupon for a free hamburger at McDonald's. Enjoy!"
End If
End If
Log("<< GetScore, result: " & GetScore)
End Function
' // ========================================================================
Function GetAnswer(objConn, nQuestionID, BYREF nFormalAnswerID, BYREF strFormalAnswerString)
Log ">> GetAnswer( " & nQuestionID & ")"
nFormalAnswerID = 0
strFormalAnswerString = ""
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TriviaQuestions WHERE ID=" & nQuestionID
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute(strQuery)
If (RS.EOF) Then
GetAnswer = -1
strError = "Error: Failed to find answer for question " &nQuestionID
nFormalAnswerID = CInt(RS("nTriviaAnswerID"))
If (nFormalAnswerID = 1) Then
strFormalAnswerString = RS("strAnswerA")
ElseIf (nFormalAnswerID = 2) Then
strFormalAnswerString = RS("strAnswerB")
ElseIf (nFormalAnswerID = 3) Then
strFormalAnswerString = RS("strAnswerC")
End If
Log "nAnswerID: " & nFormalAnswerID
Log "strFormalAnswerString: " & strFormalAnswerString
GetAnswer = 0
End If
Log "<< GetAnswer, result: " & GetAnswer
End Function
' // ========================================================================
Function ProcessAnswer( nUserID, strAnswer, BYREF strExplanation, BYREF strError )
Dim strUAnswer, nQuestionID, nAnswer, nFormalAnswerID, strFormalAnswerString
Log ">> ProcessAnswer"
nAnswer = 0
nQuestionID = 0
ProcessAnswer = 0
nFormalAnswerID = 0
strExplanation = ""
strError = ""
strFormalAnswerString = ""
' Translate the answer into A, B or C
strUAnswer = Left(UCase(Trim(strAnswer)),1)
If (strUAnswer = "A") Then
nAnswer = 1
ElseIf (strUAnswer = "B") Then
nAnswer = 2
ElseIf (strUAnswer = "C") Then
nAnswer = 3
ProcessAnswer = -1
strError = "Invalid answer, please type a, b or c."
Exit Function
End If
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & STR_TRIVIADBFILE & ";"
' Find out which answer it was
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TriviaUsers WHERE ID=" & nUserID
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute(strQuery)
If RS.EOF Then
strError = "Error: Unable to process answer."
ProcessAnswer = -1
If (CInt(RS("nA1")) = 0) Then
nQuestionID = RS("nQ1")
strAField = "nA1"
ElseIf (CInt(RS("nA2")) = 0) Then
nQuestionID = RS("nQ2")
strAField = "nA2"
ElseIf (CInt(RS("nA3")) = 0) Then
nQuestionID = RS("nQ3")
strAField = "nA3"
nQuestionID = 0
strAField = ""
End If
If (strAField = "") Then
strError = "Error: Cannot find question associated with this answer."
ProcessAnswer = -1
End If
End If
If (ProcessAnswer = 0) Then
strUpdate = "Update TriviaUsers SET " & strAField & " = " & nAnswer & " WHERE ID=" & nUserID
Log "Execute: [" & strUpdate & "]..."
objConn.Execute strUpdate
End If
If (GetAnswer(objConn, nQuestionID, nFormalAnswerID, strFormalAnswerString) = 0) Then
If (nFormalAnswerID = nAnswer) Then
strExplanation = "Answer is correct! "
strExplanation = "Oops, wrong answer, the correct answer was '" & strFormalAnswerString & "'. "
End If
End If
Set objConn = Nothing
Log "<< ProcessAnswer, result: " & ProcessAnswer
End Function
' // ========================================================================
Function GetNextQuestion(nUserID, BYREF strNextQuestion, BYREF bNoMoreQuestions, BYREF strError)
Dim objConn, RS, strQuery, nSeq, nQuestionID
GetNextQuestion = -1
strNextQuestion = ""
bNoMoreQuestions = False
strError = ""
nSeq = 0
nQuestionID = 0
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & STR_TRIVIADBFILE & ";"
' Find the User and its next question to be answered
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TriviaUsers WHERE ID=" & nUserID & " ORDER BY ID Desc"
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute(strQuery)
If (RS.EOF) Then
GetNextQuestion = -1
strError = "Error: Lookup user failed."
Exit Function
ElseIf (CInt(RS("nA1")) = 0) Then
nSeq = 1
nQuestionID = CInt(RS("nQ1"))
ElseIf (CInt(RS("nA2")) = 0) Then
nSeq = 2
nQuestionID = CInt(RS("nQ2"))
ElseIf (CInt(RS("nA3")) = 0) Then
nSeq = 3
nQuestionID = CInt(RS("nQ3"))
GetNextQuestion = 0
bNoMoreQuestions = True
Exit Function
End If
' Lookup the Question Text
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM TriviaQuestions WHERE ID = " & nQuestionID
Log "Execute: [" & strQuery & "]..."
Set RS = objConn.Execute(strQuery)
If RS.EOF Then
GetNextQuestion = -1
strError = "Error: Failed to retrieve question."
Exit Function
End If
strNextQuestion = "Question "& nSeq & " of 3: " & RS( "strQuestion" ) & " a) " & _
RS( "strAnswerA" ) & " b) " & RS( "strAnswerB" ) & " c) " & RS( "strAnswerC" ) & _
". Reply with a, b or c."
GetNextQuestion = 0
Set objConn = Nothing
Log "<< GetNextQuestion, result: " & GetNextQuestion
End Function
' // ========================================================================
Function ReplyMessage(objMessageDB, objMessageIn, strResponse)
Log ">> ReplyMessage"
Set objMessageOut = objMessageDB.Create("SMS")
objMessageOut.StatusID = g_objConstants.MESSAGESTATUS_SCHEDULED
objMessageOut.ToAddress = objMessageIn.FromAddress
objMessageOut.ChannelID = objMessageIn.ChannelID
objMessageOut.Body = strResponse
objMessageDB.Save objMessageOut
Log "<< ReplyMessage"
End Function
The final test
Finally, after setting up the script file, we can test the entire solution.
To start we’ll need to send the text ‘Trivia’ the SMS Server. From there we just need to follow the prompts.
At the end of the trivia quiz you should have an exchange like the one in the screenshot above.