Auron components available on NuGet

Auron Software

You can now integrate the Auron Software components into your project without leaving Visual Studio.

Both the SMS component as well as the E-mail component now have their own NuGet package.

For example, to add the SMS Component to your C# project from Visual Studio you can follow these steps:

Start by clicking on Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solutions

Open NuGet package manager in Visual Studio

Next select ‘Browse’ and type ‘axsms’ in the search bar and click ‘Install’

Select the AxSms package

You will get a pop-up to confirm the change that you are making. Click on ‘OK’ here.

Click on ‘OK’

Next your the package is installed and you are greeted with a friendly message from your vendor.

Installation successful

Finally you are ready to start using the SMS Component!

Time to start using the SMS Component

These same steps apply for installing the E-mail component. With the exception that you will have to type ‘axemail’ in the search box instead of ‘axsms’.